Reviving Peep Shows of 42nd Street

By: Abby DivDate: Oct. 26, 2020

In Le Sex Lab's podcast we are talking about peep shows, sex shops, and vintage booth reels from the 1960s-1980s. In the lab to chat about restoring 8mm loops and their expanding 42nd Street Forever Collection is Co-Founder of Impulse Pictures, Jerry Chandler.

Abigail Div
Hello, everyone. We're going to be talking today about adult cinema of the 1960s through 1980s, the golden era, if you will of adult entertainment. I'm your host Abigail divx, founder of Le Sex Lab, an experimental Media Lab exploring sexuality. Today's interview will explore the following: How did in post pictures, pictures start? Where did the eight millimeter loops in the peach show collection come from? What was the process of digitizing vintage films? What are the qualities that impulse pictures looks for when picking a loop? and preservation versus conservation? What is the mentality? And with me today to talk about loops on the 42nd Street collection? When sex toy shops and live shows are a common setting in New York City is co founder of impulse pictures Jerry Chandler welcome, Jerry.

Jerry Chandler
Hi, how you doing?

Abigail Div
Very well. How are you?

Jerry Chandler
Pretty good. Pretty good. Can't complain.

Abigail Div
Well, welcome to the Le Sex Lab podcast. We have some very interesting insight in going into the narrative of adult cinema. But let's not get ahead of ourselves too far. First, let's talk about how you got involved in making vintage film loops. So let's begin with Impulse Pictures, itself the offshoot label of Synapse Films. Both do very similar things in that they are labels to restore classic cinema. But while Synapse specializes in sci-fi, horror and cold pictures, impose caters to the fans of erotic content of bygone years. Well, let's start first with how impulse pictures came to be.

Jerry Chandler
It came to be because, you know, when people started noticing the restoration work that we were doing a synapse, we started getting a lot of offers from people to restore their films. Of course, we're limited by time, it's, you know how much we can do at a given moment. But some of the more interesting things was, like adult films. And when we started, if you'll if you notice, early in the synapse catalog, there's, there are some adult films, but not too many. I guess our society is still a little I don't repressed is the word I like to use. Because we would get fans telling us how great it was that we were expanding out to different genres. And then we would also get a significant amount of hate mail from what we call snowflakes. Who can't take any sex with their violence. You know, they like horror films, but oh, my God, you you're doing something a software movie? Oh, my kids. I can't, you know, we got a lot of pushback on it. So we decided, you know, what, we're, you know, we're interested in these movies, and they need preservation and restoration. We're just going to start an alternate label and put it out through that label this way, it free synapse from the stigma that some people still have over erotica. The second question was, how did the loops start? You know, we started by doing a few adult films. And then I met a collector at one of the horror film conventions that we frequently do, although we haven't done any in the last year or so. And we all know why. But before that, we used to do about 12 shows a year. And this gentleman mentioned to me, and he lived in the city that we were at at the time, he said, Why don't you come out to my house, I have 9600 loops in my basement. I said, Okay, let's take a visit. And we became very good friends. And, you know, what I do is I'll drive to that city. And I'll pick out about 250 loops one at a time. And, you know, we catalog them because he's a collector and we want to make sure we don't even lose a single one. And then I'll bring them back to our offices in Detroit. And we'll we'll go about creating the versions of the peep show additions, you know, different additions so to speak. Right now, this morning, I just sent the loops to the transfer house for volumes 47, 48 and 49. So as you can tell there it's been a quite a popular line. People love these movies because they're so different from the erotica we see today that's being generated, say since the lat e 90s, 2000s, today.

Abigail Div
But how do you know that there was an audience for this given as you were just saying that erotica today is very different from vintage erotica of the 60s, 70s, and 80s?

Jerry Chandler
The answer to that question is going to make me sound quite foolish. But I'll tell you anyways, we didn't. And we don't work that way. We don't pick movies based on what we think the response is going to be. Everything we do in both synapse, and impulse is, we do what we like. And we hope that other people like what we like, because if they don't, we're going to be out of business. But we don't sit there and do marketing and think of, well, this person said, that's hot right now, or this person said this. No, it's if we like it, we'll do it. And that's basically it. I you know, I love the loops. It was, you know, I was born in 1959. So I was in my early teens in the early 70s. And, you know, if you wanted to see something parney that's what you had to do. You had to sneak into somebody's dad's closet and pull out their loops, and get that lousy, loud clanky, you know, Bell and Howell projector clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack, and watch it in the basement if the mom wasn't home. So that I mean, this is it. So I mean, the nostalgia for me. You know, because we've done numerous loops that I remember seeing in my youth, either dropping quarters in a booth, or, you know, seeing in somebody's basement.

Abigail Div
Well, let's get them into talking more about the film loops, specifically, the 42nd Street forever collection is not one specific collection of film reels, but years of compilation of eight millimeter films, shot between the 60s in the 80s, you've compiled and restored an era of pre DVD pre digital media, for an audience that may essentially never have seen it before. This was even before cassette players. So first, the basics, where would you go to see these loops?

Jerry Chandler
Well, you mean back in the day?

Abigail Div
Back in the day...

Jerry Chandler
Back in the day, you would go to the adult bookstore in for your neck of the woods just walk down? What used to be called 42nd Street. I'm sure it's still called it but it's nobody knows what it used to be like. But in adult bookstores at the back of the bookstores, they would have these booths. Now, in Detroit, it was a little bit different than Manhattan, Manhattan had live dancers and they had a window that would you would drop in a quarter and it would slide up for a few seconds, and then would slide down again, in the Detroit area. And I think through most of the country, the booths were would have two films, what's the word splice together and put on a loop. That's why they're called the loops. And what it would do is it would run forever, you would go in, you would look at the side of the booth, they'd have the covers from the two films. And if they caught your eye, you would go inside, and you would sit down and drop a quarter in and you get about two minutes of play maybe a minute. And you would hope that the one of the two movies was next. Otherwise, you had to sit through the first one to see the second one. I mean, you and you would be sitting watching in this booth. And all you had here is the projector sound. And I wanted to recreate that, you know, the covers of the peep show editions look like we'll call it for lack of a better word, a marquee at the end of the booth. You know there will be a tiny Marquis with the two little pictures and when you hear if you turn up the sound all you hear is a projector so because that's all you heard, we're trying to recreate that exact experience that I went through as a teenager.

Abigail Div
Yeah, it sounds like if you didn't have the patience for two minutes and not enough quarters in your pockets. He were short of luck.

Jerry Chandler
Yeah, I don't know. Patience is the proper word. But we get what you mean.

Abigail Div
You can do it in two minutes. Alternatively, as well, that sounds like a fast turnaround.

Jerry Chandler
You know, look, sometimes you couldn't, you couldn't wait for your movie to start. So you would go back the next day or later that day. That was always risky because they would change the loops every week or every other week.

Abigail Div
Well, certainly no lack of them a variety. If you wanted to recreate the same experience, though, that you had from yesteryear or rather from the previous time that you went to see a a clip, if you will, the chances that you are going to see the same one twice seems pretty unlikely.

Jerry Chandler
You know, you're I think you're right there and what we try and bring to everybody is what you might see a typical adult bookstore would have maybe five booths on each side, or 10 booths on each side. So you figure there, you know, 10 to 20 different movies, and you are capable of seeing anything. And of course, we don't use anything that would be deemed illegal. So there's no kids, no animals, nothing like that. But there's orgy type loops, there's single male female loops, there's lesbian loops, we don't really do much male on male stuff, because we get no call for it whatsoever. Our fans seem to like, the everything else they all like to see women with, and either all women or women with men, but we don't get much call, we do get a little bit. But again, I don't have a source for you know, I'll call it gay loops. There were certainly tons of them made. But we haven't used those yet. What am I here? potential market, then there's always potential because that we have had, you know, we'd like to please people. So we, you know, but nothing planned. As of this time, I'd have to find some source. And right now, I have an awful lot to get through that. You know, I'm I'm taking from the collector, I got to go through them and return them. So I, you know, it's not a timing isn't really great for me to go and look to start another line of that. But certainly, you might have a few individual loops showing up in additions. Moving forward, but we haven't really even talked about it yet. I just I'm the one who answers the phones here in the office. And I do get some requests from time to time, but far less than the rest of the stuff.

Abigail Div
Hmm, very interesting. Well, speaking of sources, and I think you touched on this earlier about having an archive to which collector has amply supplied you with material. Do you have a lot of options when it comes to digitizing the material?

Jerry Chandler
Oh, my god, yes. I've used maybe 600 loops. so far. I've rejected about 100. And, yeah, I have about 8800 left. So I could, I could be doing this, as long as there's an interest I can be putting these out?

Abigail Div
Well, there you go. Given also that you're just releasing another set of loops, it sounds like you're amply supplied in terms of material and an archive, it's not a matter of the scarcity of a resource. It's just choosing which one you want.

Jerry Chandler
Yes, and no, I've qualified what you just said it, the scarcity is in finding a collector, because I've looked elsewhere. And it's very, very difficult. Some people will have a few loops, and they'll think they're worth thousands, so they won't be interested in selling them or renting them unless they could get a king's ransom. And really, they're really not worth anything to anyone except me. You know. So that or, you know, sometimes people have this fantasy that they're going to do this. So they want to protect their, you know, whatever. I haven't really found a good source other than my great source. And that seems to be ample. You know, it seems to me ample

Abigail Div
Well it only takes one really in the end and as your source seems to also have quite a collection it's not there lacking. But are most of the films in your collection or the collection that you have accessible to you. In restorable quality? Can you actually make them into a feature presentation that will then go out to peep show collection #50, #51, #52?

Jerry Chandler
Well, you know, we do a little restoration on the film loops because they're all eight millimeter or super eight, we don't do a tremendous amount of restoration because you can it's a very small film frame. There's very little you can be done and these movies were shot in basements, you know, outdoors with handheld, like camera. I mean, you know, it's not like people were shooting a Hollywood film. So when you look at like if it's too dark or something that could be the way it's shot, or if it's too grainy, or if it's too This or to that. What we try and do is we try and restore a little color if we can. That's very difficult, but a lot of our loops look really good. And then you know, we don't do much scratch removal because I've found that in when it comes to the loops people like The old look to them, because they, I don't know, it just adds to the feel. Nobody was fixing up the actual film loops in the boots, if it tore it tore, and you saw the tear, and you saw everything cut out where they had to fix it. And I mean, I'm recreating exactly what you would have seen in that booth and trying to beef up the colors, so they were as sharp as they may have been back then. But there's not much else we can do to it. The bigger the frame, the more area you have to work with the more restoration you can do.

Abigail Div
Great. Well, with all of that out of the way, let's talk about your extra curation, you've built a massive collection of loops, with a very cold Lake following behind them as well just go to your Facebook page for SNAP sells, and you see the list of people who are itching for the next collection to come out. But let's just say just like you finished that you're starting a new volume of loops. And there's about 15 loops per volume, correct?

Jerry Chandler

Abigail Div
Do you have a formula for how you choose them?

Jerry Chandler
Yeah, I try and have a little bit of everything. So first, when you get a loop collection, you're going to have around five of my three categories, boy, girl, three people or more, it could be as long as there is some opposite sex there. So you could have two girls and a guy, two guys and a girl 15 people, as long as there's both sexes, you know, that's in the three or more category. And then I have lesbian, which is very, very popular among the guys out there. And so we always try and have five of them. Now, sometimes you'll have six, four, and five are four, five, and six or something, you'll always get 15 loops, you may not always get five of each of those sub genres. Sometimes you might get four, or six, but not always five. And that's because if I make if I select 15 loops, and we send them out, when I'm picking them, all I can see is the cover and maybe maybe a description. Sometimes there's nothing on the cover, not even a picture or a description. So I have to take my chance, roll the dice and send them out. Once they're transferred, I get a file that contains all 15 loops. And of course, if one of them isn't really boy girl, but it's got three people in it or something, I got to move it to the proper category. So you'll have six and four, instead of five and five, and then sometimes I have to toss out a loop because it doesn't meet my criteria. It's not good enough, it doesn't quote unquote, deliver, you know, the filmmakers that back then were no different than they are today. So some companies would cut up a full length adult film and just pull out eight minutes of the sex and splice it together and call it a loop. But it wasn't a loop those we don't, those don't fly, we pull those out. Sometimes it's just not very good, the action isn't appealing the there's no payoff, whatever the case may be, I try and, you know, I have my own little hot gauge, you know, if it's the loops got to be hot to me. If it's not, I got a lot more to pick from I don't have to stick lousy ones on the desk. I think that's one of the reasons why these collections are so popular, they tend to deliver quite well, for the money. There's no you know, there's no shortcuts. And there's no you know, and so far, of course, when you're dealing with this many loops, there's always the chance that one may repeat. But I've done now 46 volumes, and I and I've picked for 4748 49 and I'm happy to say that's about 50 times it's 750 loops, pretty close to it. I haven't picked any twice. So that's that's good because collectors hate that, you know, unless you have an improved version. You know, they want their 15 they don't want one they already had or two they already had or whatever. And I've seen that a lot. You know, collecting myself before I got into the business.

Abigail Div
Sure. It's like many other collectible hobbies, if you will, baseball cards, coins, anything that can be duplicated. It's not something you won't need or want to have necessarily two of.

Jerry Chandler

Abigail Div
Unless you're doing for the purposes of maybe reselling it, I guess, you know, but in your case, I don't see reselling video.

Jerry Chandler
Well, you know what it would be like filling in a gap, like oh, we only have 13. Here, let's put in these ones that people already saw just to fill out the volume. No, I'll hold the volume up till I get more loops and then fill them in with something you haven't seen. So if you ever do see a loop that you've seen on a previous volume, I'll tell you right now, it was a mistake.

Abigail Div
You can write to Jerry and tell him you made a mistake after was almost almost 1000 clips. But I think we're only human at that point, right? Well, what exactly as you were saying is a good scene, or as you say, delivers?

Jerry Chandler
Well, it needs to be graphic it needs to have. If it's got a man in it, it's got to have the money shot, it's got to have real action, it can't, it can't be simulated, or hidden, or too much build up. And no, it's gotta it's got to have a good balance. Look, back when these were being made, these people knew what they had to get to. And you don't get a lot of bad loops. But you know, the collectors will have, they'll collect anything they'll buy, you know, lots of these and, you know, you're gonna pick something you don't, you don't know what's inside. And sometimes you get in one box, I got some of these home movies. I don't know how it got on there. But I first I my jaw dropped, I see these kids running around a park. And like all shit, this is whatever, you know, this is bad. And then, you know, a dog's chasing a ball. And a mom is saying, okay, kids get in the car, and whatever it was somebody so movie stuck in a box. So yeah, I had to pay to transfer that. And of course, we didn't use it.

Abigail Div
Not the sort of filler you were looking for?

Jerry Chandler
No, but you know, you get all kinds of stuff. And and like So look, you know, when you're watching it, you know if it if it's good or not, you just know. And if a movie, like I said, I have enough to choose from where I can just give people the really good loops. I mean, there's never a weak one. And of course, it's good. In my opinion, it may not be in somebody else's opinion. You know? So, you know, there were so many. what's so fascinating about the loops is there's so many people, men and women that just showed up for one loop and you never see him again, or sometimes two or three loops. And you never never see them again. So it's like Did somebody talked them into it? You know, who knows? But I find the whole idea fascinating and, and, you know, so I, you know, I like seeing the women that went on to become big stars later, like Sega very, very young, she did lose when she was younger than when she did those films. And with any sprinkles or Lisa delu and a number of them. This was all at the beginning of their careers. So it was it's just really, really cool. If you're a porn star just as I am. You know, it's just really cool. It's cool to see so.

Abigail Div
And you certainly have watched enough films to know what makes the cut but what are some if you will, common scenarios that you run into time and time again with these loops?

Jerry Chandler
Wow! Delivery Man, there's always a delivery man. He could be a plumber. He could be bringing a pizza. There's a lot of that. There's a you know, there's, you know, when they have an Asian actress, they like doing an Asian theme. Sometimes. I mean, it's hard to even call that Asian theme. I don't know there's

Abigail Div
By politically correct statements or standards of today. Maybe not? Well, stereotypes.

Jerry Chandler
When I say Asian theme, I'm thinking the girl is in a traditional Asian outfit before she takes it off. You know, I mean, that's about all you're going to get theme eyes in a seven minute loop. So, you know, I remember there was a lesbian one called Geisha on the Ginza and all it was was a obviously Japanese girl cleaning a blind girl's pool. And you know, and getting leaves out of it. And the the blind girl comes outside and they start going Added right there on a lounge chair. So, yeah, you know, I mean, the whole theme was basically using some Japanese words because there was an Asian girl in the movie. But again, it's a service. You know, she's there in the service capacity. So you see that a lot. I mean, there's some that get like a guy is robbing the house, or he breaks in with a fake gun. But pretty much, you know, people are sitting in a living room, and they just start kissing. And, you know, they're, I mean, I see jogging themes of somebody jogging, and they see somebody so they got me. It's just about anything you could think of they've, they've used, but I'd say if I had to name one theme that you see more than any other, it's the delivery service person that comes to the house, and you know...

Abigail Div
The pizza boy...

Jerry Chandler
Right, I mean, cuz we all know if we've ever had to deliver anything. All you do is knock on the door. And it's instant sex, right? I mean, it just imitates reality.

Abigail Div
Well, it's funny that you say this as does it also sound like, excuse me, it also sounds like that. They're mostly domestic scenes, then they're things that are happening in in someone else's house or around there.

Abigail Div
I'd say for the most part. Yeah.

Jerry Chandler
If you get outside, you're sitting around a pool.

Abigail Div
Right, yeah.

Abigail Div
Although on this latest set of loops that I just sent out for, I don't know what volume it's going to be on there's actually one I remember seeing when I was very young, called the Bloody Mulago. And there's, it's like a spy story with, you know, fake guns shooting and stuff. In between a few sex scenes, I don't remember it, I'll see it when the transfer comes in for my approval. But you know, I mean, really, the people making these loops, were interested in making as much money as possible as quickly as possible. So they're gonna put as little as possible, cost wise into making these loops. I remember interviewing Jamie Gillis, before he died and he talked, you know, we were interviewing him for X-rated to movie he was in that we're going to be putting out but he also talked about his loops days. And he said, Hey, you know, he was studying to be a Shakespearean actor. But he couldn't get hired on Broadway. And then he had a chance to make $50 and have sex with with a pretty young girl. And he said, hell, they didn't even have to pay me. I took the 50 bucks because I needed it. But that's how I did I just liked having sex with girls. So he gave up on the the big acting and just went into that, you know, he was quite prolific in the adult film world.

Abigail Div
Yeah, do what you like. Definitely. And if you like having sex and then have it, yeah, great mentality to live by.

Jerry Chandler
Didn't have to ask him twice

Abigail Div
Well, what are some conversely, more eccentric or let's say, what is the most eccentric clip that you've seen?

Jerry Chandler
weirdest one i i've seen was I think we've talked about this on the last one on volume three, which is, I'm pretty sure it's, well, it's got to be a fake snuff film. And it's just so bizarre. I don't know how much description you need.

Abigail Div
Give it to our audience who doesn't have access to the DVD collection.

Jerry Chandler
All right, so it starts out two girls are standing on the side of the road. And they're hitchhiking. And a car drives by and the cameras on the far side of the road. And the car drives by and I guess purportedly it hits one of the girls, but you can clearly see from the way they shot it. As it drives by it's five feet in front of her. Regardless, she falls over when the car drives by, and she's dragged into this cabin that's behind them by the other girl. And first the other girl, you know, tears off some of the girl who's unconscious this close. She does some stuff to her. She pees on her, and that's real. And then she gets out a broken bottle and starts, you know, penetrating the girl with it. That part's not graphic. And the blood looks like an hg Lewis film bloods. So it looks very fake. But I found it extremely bizarre. And I wanted to see what is the history behind this loop. And we were able to find the company that produced it, it was vampire VMP wire. And we cannot find another loop that this company ever produced, we believe it was a European company. And I've talked to people in the porn business from that era. And none of them have ever heard of the company or the loop before, the actual name of the loop is called the Barbarian Girls, although they're not dressed up in line skins or anything, and there's a car driving by. So we don't know anything about it. But I have seen it in somebody else's collection as well, not in a collection of loosely put on DVD, but in their private collection. So to me, that is the most bizarre loop, I've never seen anything like it in my life. Again, it's not super graphic, if if you're a fan of real death, I think you'll be disappointed. But it's not something you usually see in an adult loop. And, you know, we don't really do the bondage or the torture loops. And I've seen them I've seen horrible, horrible loops where somebody burning the victim with a cigarette and stuff like that. It doesn't really hold any interest in it. in us. Remember, we like to do loops, we are things we like, and we're not fans of animal torture, or children, or anybody being tortured. We're just not fans of it. I mean, there's too much about sex to enjoy, why, why go there? You know, it's just not, it doesn't do it for me. So I don't put those out.

Abigail Div
But it makes a lot of sense. And in terms of how heavily you're actually restoring all of these pieces. Are you simply doing simple edits to them, like color correcting? Or is this is there a heavier hand in, and especially the older clips,

Jerry Chandler
We do color correcting, but you use the bad word. We don't edit. Edit would involve taking something out. And the reason why I'm drawn to that is because I've seen loops in other people's collections that they do have on DVD or Blu Ray or VHS tape, in which I've noticed scenes missing. And I've called them and I've said you took this out of this loop? How can you do that? What are you? Well, we don't want to be arrested. So I found the other people in that, that do this type of work are very timid, we will not edit. If I'm going to, if I've selected this loop, you're going to see it just as it was shot with everything they included. We're just we're kind of fearless when it comes to that. And if we ever did stopped or whatever, there won't be any more volumes. But as long as we're putting out volumes we will not edit and it's funny because synapse left one of our distributors. About 15 years ago, we put out the set of movies called The School Girl Reports from Germany, there's 13 volumes. It's all softcore very popular. I don't know if I sent you one. But if you'd like I can, I can send you a volume. They're very popular. There's no penetration. There's some frontal nudity, men and women. But it's just very sexy. I mean, a lot of people like soft core as well. It's not as blatant as hardcore. And they, they like that. But my distributor at the time, notice something in one of the volumes and said we're not releasing this. I said, What are you talking about? You're my distributor, you have to release it? No, we don't like this particular scene. I said you're talking about 30 seconds. And there's nothing illegal or wrong with it. Well, we're not releasing it unless you make the cut. So we made a cut. But we kept our first version. It's called schoolgirl report, volume three, and you could buy it from us at the time. But if you were a store and you had to get it from our distributor, we made a version called school very poor volume three international edition, which was missing that 30 seconds that they objected to. And we were very unhappy. We had to do a second version. And we I told Dan, I said look, these guys are censoring us. And our company cannot be censored. It's not what we do. We present movies as they were shot. We'll put scenes back in that somebody else took out But we will never remove something. Because that's just to us that's ripping off the fans. No way. So I told done if this distributor is going to start editing us or censoring us which they've done, we have to leave. We're not putting out another title to we have a new distributor. And we did, we got out of our contract, and we said, we're out, see, and then a bunch of other labels left after us. But this was a very big, I don't want to use their name, but they're nationally well known. They're internationally known. And they just decreed from on high. We don't like this, we're not doing it. And it's like, okay, we don't like you, we're not going to be one of your labels anymore. Of course, they couldn't care less, that didn't make any difference to them. But we stay true to our purpose. And then what we do, and we love, sorry, we got off on a sidetrack.

Abigail Div
No, no, not at all. That's a very interesting tangential note about cutting and editing clips, and maintaining a purist mentality of restoration, versus adaptation to the current.

Jerry Chandler
So to answer your question, we do our color correction, we don't do much dirt or scratch removal. Because we'd like to feel it gives in the frames aren't really big enough to do a lot of work on.

Abigail Div
It maintains the grit and the authenticity of what you would actually have seen it in living color, if you will, to the reality of the actual booth itself.

Jerry Chandler

Abigail Div
Talking about that, and more in regards to actually how you're creating or recreating the booth experience. Audio, there's conversation that sometimes happens in these scripts. So the film, there's actually no audio except for the reel that would be clicking, that has been added back into your film clips in post-production. What would you have heard in the booth?

Jerry Chandler
Exactly what you hear with both of the film clips, there were no audio, although I will qualify that this is a very tiny, tiny point, there were a few loops that had audio, but to hear the audio, the person who owned the adult bookstore had to have a, it had to be in his equipment there to be able to play the audio. It was so rare. And I'm sure these guys in the adult bookstores weren't looking to spend money on that it was just not necessary. So you know, you wouldn't really have heard anything, if you'll notice, if there is talking, there's one of two things you either get a subtitle, or it's their look like looking at the camera and saying it. So you could read their lips pretty easily. You know, it's not not much of a mystery. As to the conversation plus the scripts were so generic, and, you know, there are no, no easter eggs, so to speak. It was like pretty much, you know, if you can't figure it out, you know, maybe switch to like a Disney movie, or something.

Abigail Div
it doesn't require a ton of audio to understand what's going on.

Jerry Chandler

Abigail Div
If at all in most of the DVDs, but how have you recreated those in the loops that you're putting out for the collection?

Jerry Chandler
Well, like I said, there's nothing to recreate that way other than the projector sound, because again, that's all you would have heard. It's just the projector

Abigail Div

Jerry Chandler
Which if it bothers you, you can turn it off.

Abigail Div
I think it's magical. I think that adds add some authenticity to something that otherwise would be out of context to be watching.

Jerry Chandler
Other people have asked why don't you use this generic music or pay someone to use music or whatever, and just have the twangy stuff like that used to be in the films and I say because those used to be in the films. They were not in the booths, the loops, that wasn't part of it. Now, you mentioned something up, you know, my target audience really wasn't people today. You know, young people it was people like me who remember this, and those are mostly the people I talked to the young people order from our website. The old folks don't have computers and they call in and they like to I saw I remember seeing this loop and you know, 1972 when I was what you know And I'm very personable, and I talk to everybody who calls Him. So it's, you know, it's really my look, it's for everybody. And I'd be tickled pink if everyone bought them. But when I was designing them, it was the people it was, I was designing it for nostalgia purposes. And also ease of use. And I think we've talked about that before. You know, if if you put the disc in your player and you pick the first category boy girl, the second court category three or more or the third category, the the girl girl stuff. If you go to the screen, you get about a 32nd clip from each film. So if your spouse runs out to the store, and you want to take advantage of that, and I'm sure a lot of people out there know exactly what I'm talking about, you know, it helps you throw in. I didn't remember that. That loop I wanted to see, I didn't remember, you know where it is which one at a time, you just grab any desk, that's, you can get your hands on, throw it in there, and you can pick real quickly which one you want to see. So, you know...

Abigail Div
You get a quickie quicker than the two minute.

Jerry Chandler
Right! And people have thanked me for that. They, they say you thought of everything. Of course, I started as a consumer, you know,

Abigail Div
It takes one to know one.

Jerry Chandler
Yeah. But that's how we do things it with synapse as well, when we're doing a Hollywood film or a foreign film. And we're putting $100,000 into restoration. And we're creating a beautiful, like steelbook package. We say to ourselves, what would we have liked in our as fans? What would we have liked, you know, this covers beautiful, let's put in a poster, the cover. The audio track was amazing, the music was great, let's get a hold of whoever owns those rights, and put a CD of only that. And so that's, you know, that's where my training came, because my business partner is the master of it. So he didn't really want to get involved too much with the impulse stuff. And for me, it's right up my alley. So why, you know, I, you know, I got to create it all myself, and I'm not the creative at synapse he is. So, you know, to have people call me and say, You know what, this is just perfect. I've never seen something like this set up this way. And the ease of use the projector sound, you know, you're picking all good loops. I mean, thank you, you know, and I got a waiting list. Now, a guy ordered 44 for me the other day, I don't have them from the replicator yet. I said, Oh, my God, I just took an order. And I don't even they're ordering in advance now before they're even done. So there's the people who've been buying them, you know, from me, what I mean is not through the website, but over the phone. They buy them all, and they're sitting and waiting for more. So

Abigail Div
It definitely has a cult like following behind you, people are scratching at your door to get the next set of volumes.

Jerry Chandler
And it's incumbent upon me to keep the quality high to keep the loops, the best I can and can get into throw out the crappy ones because it's a slippery slope. And once you start cutting corners, the whole thing falls apart, you lose your customer base, you disappoint people. I don't like disappointing people.

Abigail Div
No, and you've become a curator of sorts of adult vintage erotica. To which point I'd like to bring attribution and provenance one of those big topics in art world today, topics, giving credit where credit is due, if you will. But many performers and directors and studios are either no longer in existence alive or attribute ID. And the titles of each loop are listed on the DVDs. And even those without titles are entitled untitled. Literally, how many of the loops actually have credits?

Jerry Chandler
Very, very, very few. I believe. Some of the companies would have header logos, but no credits of any type. And there's only one company I believe that actually threw in some credits at the beginning of the of the loop. They throw in never actors or actresses, only the director whoever was on camera, whoever designed the costumes or I shouldn't say design picked the costumes because some there's a whole bunch of loops that are period pieces as I alluded to before, either with the Asian dress or there's, you know, a Ned Haven, another actress from the time who started in loops but became a very popular adult film star. She did a lot of Cleopatra, she had a kind of an exotic long dark hair look to her very slender so they throw her in Cleopatra outfits and you know I have at least five or 10 loops where's it some her in various pairings are with multiple people but she's Cleopatra.

Abigail Div
Maybe but not a bad character to play, be known for playing.

Jerry Chandler
Right? I'm not sure if the actual Cleopatra would be thrilled.

Abigail Div
Yeah, I don't know, if we premise that to her, why would she would say, in terms of the representation. Though sexual goddess does come to mind. So, you know.

Jerry Chandler
As far as I mean, think about it, if you were some buddy talk to you, you saw somebody at a bus stop. And you were in Hollywood trying to make it as an actress. And somebody said, Hey, you know, you need a few bucks. I mean, the girls got paid more than the guys. You went to their studio, you took off their your clothes, he got three or 400 bucks in 1972 and you did something and then you left and humiliation and you went off to pursue your career, your life or whatever. You really want somebody 20, 30 years later, 40 years later saying and by the way, so and so was in this, I mean, it can be horribly humiliating. Now I've talked to a lot of actresses from the time, some are perfectly happy with their notoriety, they're not ashamed or embarrassed, nor should they be, for example, my favorite actress as far as just being the sweetest lady, the nicest person with surina. And she's in some of our loops, and I still have a relationship with her and that we do shows together, we try and get her booked, if we can, you know, and she'll sit at the table next to us. And we have the movie surina and adult fairy tale. And we bring a bunch of copies for her to sign for people and stuff like that. And she's very sweet. There's been other actresses that haven't been so nice, and there's no reason to bring up their names. But then, you know, a friend of ours, who started as a superfan and he's become a friend of our company. He was a Linda Shaw maniac. Now, Linda Shaw was in a bunch of loops in the early 70s. I don't know if she actually had a film career. I only remember her being in loops. But she was a short blonde woman with, you know, large breasts. And she was very enthusiastic and very pretty. So she developed her own little following of which this particular gentleman was a huge fan of I mean, everything was Linda Shadi Avenue, Linda Joel, and it's all in the shop. Well, he wrote his own fanzine. And he sent me about 15, or 16, Linda Sha loops to use in the volume. So you know, so we would have them transferred, and we return them to him. And he finally got ahold of me one day, and he said, Oh, I finally found Linda Shaw. I said, Really? I said, Did you talk to her, because I reached out to her. And she was extremely embarrassed, she wanted to have nothing to do with it, it was way in her past, she didn't want to relive it, she didn't want to talk about it. She didn't want any notoriety. She said, Please go away and leave me alone. So the worst thing in the world you can do is to dredge that up from somebody who doesn't want it dredged up. So we don't do much. I mean, on the back of each desk, we throw a few titles out. And we also list a few of the actresses who are in the loops collections. But when I pick I don't pick all Sega, with Lisa Lou and Annie sprinkles and all the others. I pick a few that have recognizable actresses, and a few that have unknown people in them, because I find the unknown ones to be sexier. And also you you know, you don't these the actresses like Lisa Lu, she's dead, unfortunately, but like Serena, or any sprinkles, they're not going to be embarrassed to see their names on the back of these, they're going to be proud or thrilled or happy. From what I've heard from talking to other people know them, they like that, because they were never ashamed of what they did. But those that are, the last thing you want to do is hurt somebody, you just it's not necessary. And so that's why we don't go into that much detail. As far as on the back of the loop you're only going to see the names of well known adult actresses who were actually in films and they were well known for for this and you're not going to see any names of people who are not well known.

Abigail Div
It sounds like you're getting a grab bag of content, you know from very well established to some unknown and unknown attributed.

Jerry Chandler
And you and also you know, it's funny you say a grab bag, you never know what you're gonna get. You might get a loop that makes your hair stand up. I mean, you know, cuz again, we don't edit. And if one comes back from the transfer house, and it's got people doing some crazy stuff, as long as it's not, you know, terribly violent in a realistic manner, or involving animals or children, you're gonna see it.

Abigail Div
The crazier, the better

Jerry Chandler
There's a lot that covers, I'm just telling all the people listening. That's a huge pantheon of behaviors, you're good to see.

Abigail Div
If you can shoot it, you will make it well. Wonderful. And thank you, Jerry, for joining me today to talk about the Peep Show Collection anytime.

Jerry Chandler
It's been a great pleasure. I love what you do. And I think it's important work. And I it's it just makes me feel good to, to know that there's people out there that aren't so sex hasn't destroyed their lives, you know, either, by the way, they've been brought up with the religion and they're, you know, you have undepressed people out there that can actually enjoy sex. And I think that's wonderful. And I think you're doing God's work, so to speak. I'm not religious, but you know what I mean? It's good stuff. It's very good. So thank you. Thank you. I'm very happy to come on. Anytime you ever want to talk to me or have questions?

Abigail Div
We're gonna have to stay in touch and come back on with a follow up for the next collection. Absolutely.

Jerry Chandler

Abigail Div
Wonderful fall. And if you like what you're hearing, join me again, Abigail Div next week for another feature on Le Sex Lab.